Good Food, Not Fast Food
After developing the brand image for Mully’s Kitchen, they came to me to make them a website.
Tired of paying subscription fees for Just-eat, a place was required for a customer to place an order Online, pay and have food delivered.
A fully functional and on brand website was created which could be built upon and gave their social media presence. This is the start of that journey.

An online menu was created, fully customisable by mullys kitchen, the price is editable bu the User and they can also add extras to make a meal complete.

Social Media

Mullys kitchen is extremely active on Instagram and also needed social media to be a prominent feature on their webpage. This was integrated with realtime updates so any changes on instagram showed instantly on the website.
User Sign Up
An inbuilt form where a user needed to sign up before they ordered was added. This captured details in a database such as email address to allow future contact and also created an account so the user did not have to enter their email address again in future.

Card Payments
A method to pay by card was added to the system, this used strip as a payment gateway and accepted all current payment standards and included apple pay.

When I created the Mully brand – I needed a story of heritage. This is reflected ont he website with some olde time cook shop photos and a story about Mully’s Kitchen
Contact form
A standard contact form was built in that emailed the restaurant.